SEM Review Articles

Student Search Campaign Tips | Higher Ed | enrollmentFUEL

Written by enrollmentFUEL | Jul 24, 2023 1:48:34 PM

Timely execution is critical for the success of any campaign. When it comes to launching a Student Search campaign, various factors can contribute to delays, leading to missed opportunities and potential setbacks. In this SEM Review article, we will delve into the top five reasons a Student Search campaign may not launch on time, shedding light on common challenges and offering potential solutions.

Delays in Launching a Student Search Campaign: Identifying the Top 5 Reasons

1. Lack of Decision-Makers due to Turnover

One of the primary reasons behind delayed campaign launches is the absence of decision-makers, often due to frequent turnover within the decision-making team. When key individuals responsible for authorizing campaign strategies, budgets, or vendor partnerships are unavailable or constantly changing, it can create a bottleneck in the decision-making process.

To mitigate this issue, establish clear lines of responsibility and ensure proper delegation of decision-making authority, even during periods of transition. A well-defined hierarchy and succession plan can help maintain continuity and prevent unnecessary delays.


2. Inadequate Content Review and Approval Processes

Smooth Student Search campaign execution requires robust content review and approval processes. Failure to review, proofread, and approve content in a timely manner can hinder the progress of campaign programming and preparation for launch.

Implementing a streamlined content review system, with designated individuals responsible for reviewing and approving content promptly, can expedite the campaign launch process. Regular communication and collaboration among content creators, reviewers, and decision-makers are essential to maintaining efficiency and meeting deadlines.


3. CRM Issues

A well-configured Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system is a cornerstone of successful Student Search campaigns. However, incorrect CRM setup or integration can lead to data retrieval and tracking challenges, causing campaign launch delays.

Institutions must ensure that their CRM is properly configured to seamlessly retrieve and manage records from various sources. Regular testing, troubleshooting, and training sessions for CRM users can ensure you address any issues, ultimately improving the efficiency and accuracy of data handling.


4. Incomplete Understanding of Student Search

A lack of comprehensive understanding of what a Student Search campaign entails can contribute to delays. This issue often arises when a knowledge gap exists within the team responsible for executing the campaign.

To bridge this gap, institutions should invest in training and educational resources that provide insights into the intricacies of Student Search. Workshops, seminars, and conferences can serve as platforms for team members to better understand best practices, regulations, and emerging trends in Student Search. Organizations can ensure a smoother campaign launch by empowering team members with relevant knowledge.


5. Delayed Contract Signing with Search Vendor Partners

A vital component of a Student Search campaign is establishing contracts with search vendor partners. A delay in signing the contract can delay the campaign's launch.

To mitigate this, prioritize contract negotiations early in the planning phase, allowing ample time for discussions, revisions, and finalization. Establishing clear expectations in the contract, including timelines and deliverables, can prevent misunderstandings and streamline the process. Proactively communicating with potential partners is key to ensuring a timely contract signing and subsequent campaign launch.


Launching a Student Search campaign on time requires effective coordination, clear communication, and meticulous planning. By addressing the top five reasons for delays discussed above, institutions can enhance their campaign execution process. 


Implementing strategies to mitigate turnover-related challenges, streamlining content review processes, ensuring proper CRM setup, fostering comprehensive understanding, and prioritizing contract negotiations can significantly reduce delays and maximize the effectiveness of Student Search campaigns. With timely execution, colleges and universities can increase their outreach, engage with prospective students, and ultimately achieve their enrollment goals.


In the coming months, enrollmentFUEL will continue to tackle the finer points of successfully executing Student Search to generate the leads necessary for meeting recruitment goals. Another key to success is having a plan in place for the leads your Student Search generates. 


We often encounter hard-working enrollment teams who have dedicated countless hours to ensuring their Search strategy is on point and launches on time, but who don’t have a solid plan for what happens next. 


Mike Tyson once said, “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” It seems like leads land on some like a punch in the mouth in the boxing ring, and no one really knows what to do. So, the leads lay dormant for a long time and grow stale. The importance of “speed to lead” cannot be overstated in the recruiting lifecycle, and we want to fulfill our commitment as a teaching-learning organization by shining a light on how to ensure your leads blossom.